Quality and Environment-Related InitiativesQUALITY

At our company, we will fulfill our quality policy and environmental
philosophy by proactively leveraging our quality management system and environmental management system as part of our efforts to provide satisfaction to customers.

Quality-Related Activities

Based on our quality policy, we promote and proactively leverage quality management reform in all departments, including sales, development, technology, manufacturing, and purchasing, and we continue to make product quality improvements with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.

Quality Policy

  1. We communicate directly with customers to identify the customer’s true needs.
  2. We ascertain the customer’s true needs and pursue quality together with the customer in all processes that involve developing the products and services we offer to customers.
  3. We continuously improve the quality of the products and services we offer to customers by constantly examining the status of those products and services in an objective fashion.

Nissin Ion
Equipment Co., Ltd.

We have acquired ISO9001:2015 certification for our quality management system.


Click here to see the Nissin Electric Group’s quality policy.

Environmental Activities

Environmental Philosophy

“We at Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd. shall act in recognition of the fact that the preservation of the global environment is an important issue common to all humankind, and in consideration of environmental preservation and harmony in every area of our business activities.”

Our factories have acquired ISO14001:2015 certification for their environmental management systems as members of the Nissin Electric Group.


Click here to see the Nissin Electric Group’s environmental policy.