Important information regarding the use of the website of Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd.
By viewing, using, and downloading the content (including third-party information provided through links on this website) and information (including business-related information, technical information, financial information, and other related information) provided on the Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd. website (hereinafter referred to as “this Website”, with the aforementioned content and information hereinafter referred to as “the Content”), you agree to the following terms and conditions.
1. Copyrights
Unless otherwise specified, copyrights pertaining to the Content provided on this Website are the property of Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd. and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as “NIC”). The information posted to this Website is protected by the copyright laws, treaties, and other laws and regulations of each country.
Users of this Website are prohibited from reproducing, transferring, altering, uploading, distributing, posting, modifying, or adding to the Content without permission, with the exception of reproduction and quotation for personal non-profit use. Furthermore, any such reproductions must indicate NIC’s copyright as described above, and NIC
’s permission is required if reproduction exceeds the scope of reproduction for personal use or quotation. (Violation of these conditions is punishable by law.)
Except as stated above, this Website does not grant any rights based on the copyrights, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property of NIC or any third party. If an individual document sets forth its own usage terms and conditions, then those terms and conditions shall take precedence.
Applications made to NIC in order to use the Content must be made in writing. For applications and inquiries, please contact us by referring to the Contact page described in Section 8 below.
2. Disclaimer of Liability
NIC does not guarantee completeness, accuracy, timeliness, appropriateness, promptness, reliability, purposefulness, usefulness, or lack of property rights infringement with respect to the Content provided through this Website.
Please note that the Content of this Website and associated URLs may be updated, supplemented, modified, discontinued, or deleted without prior notice.
Additionally, please note that provision of the Content may be temporarily suspended or terminated without prior notice due to system maintenance and inspections, the malfunction or shutdown of equipment or communication lines, power outages, natural disasters, or other unavoidable circumstances.
NIC shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising in connection with the use of this Website, including but not limited to the reasons described above.
3. Protection of Personal Information
Please see our privacy policy.
4. Links
If you wish to link to this Website, please contact us in writing in advance. Please include your name, contact information (address, telephone number, and email address), the website content in question, and the purpose of the link. If any of the following apply to the website that wishes to link to this Website, we shall refuse the link, so make sure you understand these terms and conditions in advance.
Links from websites that NIC deems may infringe upon NIC’s business, reputation, or credibility, including websites that contain defamatory or libelous content.
Links from websites that link to this Website as a means of marketing themselves, including profit-making and solicitation purposes.
Links from websites that NIC deems to be in violation of laws and regulations or public policy, or that might interfere with the operation of this Website.
Links from websites that the NIC deems might mislead third parties by making it unclear that the Contents belong to NIE, such as links that incorporate this Website within their own frame.
Links from websites that the NIC deems might mislead third parties by making it unclear that the Contents belong to NIC, such as links that incorporate this Website within their own frame.
Links should show or state clearly that they are links to this Website through the use of text that says “Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd.”, “Nissin Ion Equipment”, or an equivalent form of our company name in Japanese.
In principle, the URL for links to this Website should consist only of a slash (“/“). Furthermore, we shall decline to allow links that use a logo, symbol, trademark, or other image (e.g., banner graphic) that is owned by NIC without the express approval of NIC.
Because the URLs for each page are subject to change without notice, links should be made to the top page of this Website.
NIC assumes no responsibility for any problems or compensations caused by the fact that you link to this Website or for any matters related to the website that links to this Website.
5. Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction
This Website and the interpretation and application of its terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
Unless otherwise provided herein, any dispute arising in connection with this Website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Kyoto District Court in Kyoto, Japan, where NIC is located.
6. Contact
If you have any feedback or questions about this Website or about NIC, please refer to our “Contact us” page and contact the appropriate department by email.